Week 4 - Fair Trade Day In Our School

Our Final Project - Fair Trade Awareness Day

We are now going to prepare for a fair trade awareness day that will take place in our school very soon. We will be taking all that we have learned thus far and putting it to into practice. As well as using the voki's we have made and also our photo stories, we are going to make a digital flip chart, a digital video, an overall photo story and also posters. We are going to be split into groups in order to complete this product and be prepared for our fair trade awareness day. See below for what your groups has to do...

Blue groups: A digital Flip Chart

You are all used to seeing me use flip charts in class so now it is your turn. In your groups I want you to make a digital flip chart using ActivInspire. The aim of this flip chart is to educate others in the school on the topic of fairtrade. You will be required to use all the knowledge you have acquired in recent weeks in order to complete this task. You can cover fairtrade in general of perhaps you would like to concentrate on a specific aspect such as the banana trade, this is completely up to yourself as this is your flip chart and you will be teaching others. Best of luck.

Green Groups: A digital video

This will require you to use a digital video camera in order to present a video that will inform others about fairtrade. 

Some ideas to consider: Interviewing a class mate, Interviewing Mr. Gorey, Recording a fairtrade object and providing a voice over in relation to the object, adding text and music to your video.

First of all I would like for you to plan out your video. http://archive.org/download/ConorGorey000/FilmStoryboard.doc
Then proceed with the recordings. when you have finished your recordings I will provide Macbooks for you to produce your digital video.

Here is an example of a digital video. Consider the camera angle and techniques used along with the music/voice-overs etc.

Orange groups: A photo story

I am aware that you have already produced a photo story so this should be easy for you to complete. this photo story will be slightly different form your previous one. In this photo story I want you to cover all of the last 3 weeks work. Therefore I want you to start with a general introduction to fairtrade. Following on form this You will look at the banana trade, and then moving onto the companies we studied during week 3. Finally I would like you to summarise this unit of work towards the end of your photo story. Show off during this production of work, make it known for the people who view this photo story that you know what you are talking about.

Red Groups:: Posters

You have the exciting task of designing posters that we can place around the school during our fairtrade day. These posters will express all of our learning over the past few weeks.

Ideas: The banana trade, Effects of fairtrade, The companies promoting fairtrade, How we can help fairtrade in our local area etc.

Characteristics of a good poster: Clear and concise, Striking, The important information is big and stands out, Colourful, Nice pictures present etc.

N.B. ALL GROUPS: Any resources needed to complete these tasks are present in this blog, don't forget to look back at the other weeks in this blog in order to find videos, links etc. that could be used in your presentation.

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